What are the fac湖子tors affecting the gloss of water-ba風年sed varnish?
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The polymers selected in the film-我山forming resin in the form話家ulation of water-based varnish hav習你e an important influence on嗎長 the gloss of the finished prod問呢uct. In actual p白嗎roduction, methyl methacrylate煙友, butadiene, methyl acrylate,能通 methyl acrylate, acrylic acid-β-h黑路ydroxyacrylic aci資女d, acrylic acid, etc. Increas這站e the amount of meth就機yl methacrylate and 很見butadiene, the coating hardn雨討ess, good gloss理長, but brittle, folding resistance, poor知關 resistance to dissoluti黑呢on.
Second, the ratio of wate快舊r-soluble resin and 公影emulsion in the formulation of北音 varnish.
Increase the amou自大nt of emulsion in the form爸拍ula can improve its gloss, but哥多 will reduce the leve電長ling and process分美ing suitability of light oil; increas線歌e the amount of water-soluble re個話sin can improve the le北制veling and production suitabili能冷ty of light oil, but the 答銀gloss will be red火人uced.
Third, the impa子件ct of leveling on the gloss o爸藍f water-based varn快但ish.
Leveling is the key factor to 書路determine the gloss of water-based 家低varnish, leveling is influenced by th都體e viscosity of the comm白但odity, pH and i弟多nterfacial tension. Selectin弟些g the right leveling agent in the fo畫煙rmulation can effec姐近tively improve its construction 民務flatness. If the varnish has s服月trong leveling, the coating ca雨商n be quickly leveled before dryin是他g, the surface is smooth and the coat好海ing is high glo現問ss; if the varnish is not長錢 dried before level白哥ing, it will leave some traces, s你很and holes, etc. and reduce the gloss.
Fourth, the impact of PH value 笑章on gloss.
General water-based varnish pH但議 value should be ma靜土intained between鄉畫 8-9, pH ammonia is usually used to a秒鐵djust the value. pH if the v妹來alue is too high, 頻讀the viscosity of the varnis但公h will drop, affecting the gl線木oss, slowing down the drying票弟 speed, reducing water 事家resistance; pH if the va小技lue is too low, the viscosity will 科自rise, ammonia volatilizes rela了山tively too fast in the leveling proces相笑s, so that the leveling路機 process ends too quickly, affec玩物ting the gloss of the final film.
Five, viscosity, finished so門地lid content on the impact of glo雪喝ss.
Finished product viscosity has開靜 an important impac日花t on the leveling and humidity of th中民e coating process. The空火 surface of the print has a certain a了木bsorption to the varnish, and the ab朋路sorption rate of the print surfa冷西ce to the varnish is proportion飛多al to the viscosity靜你 value of the varnish. If the vis厭男cosity value of the varnish秒月 is too small, when applied睡暗 on the paper with high absorption rat校慢e, it will lead to excessiv術水e changes in th什遠e viscosity of the varnish du睡通ring the leveling見器 process, resultin你訊g in the premature end of the leveli資分ng, resulting in uneven coating on 資關the surface of the pr又的int, part of th飛員e local under varnish, affecti山微ng the smoothness and gloss大我 of the film af線我ter drying and polishing; if applied 開票on the print with low absorption 藍司rate, the construct近腦ion viscosity is是知 too low flow hanging, resulting in un靜體even coating, poor 醫行drying and other problems.
Generally speaking務朋, the solid con亮暗tent of water should be maintained at a船自bout 30-40%. The solid conten光謝t of water-based v問錯arnish has a significant impact on its 如師gloss, solid con請拍tent on the film女山 after the impact of gloss and viscosit你紙y is similar.
Sixth, the finished product int兵睡erface tension on the impact of wa站問ter-based varnish.
The interface農來 tension of the varnish not only affe好劇cts the gloss, but also 行知is an important factor affecting 弟現the overall quality of the varnish作見. The size of the interface tension o飛照f the varnish and the same print 算行soaking, adhesion and soaking effe知照ct is very differ場鐵ent, coating and co知外ating after the film effect is also ver友的y different.
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Puyang Baoli Elec為黃tronic Technology Co., Ltd.
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