Polyimide films are 不遠used in the production of el在房ectronic products
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Polyimide films are used in the p你林roduction of electronic products
Now is an era of electronics, 放司all families and personal hands are 懂票also used to electronic products, but 些紅more must be noted問近 that when the production o門事f electronic products, there is 市務a very complex process a吧村nd requirements, especi做個ally when the production of ele市裡ctronic products also還呢 need to use th明技e tape, and in the s文爸election of tape above the very high海線 requirements, a線制nd polyimide film ha吃她s always played a very im說購portant role in the pro術分duction of electronics. The員麗 polyimide film 他飛has always played a very imp相拿ortant role in the electronic produc件器tion.
Therefore, more us好兵ers are also known as 玩師electronic products polyimide tape, 快資we must also note a ph購地enomenon, the ele長腦ctronic must be used 制風to the electronic components, and the 去間electronic components are m人用ainly composed of t唱行wo parts, part is the i路花nternal metal, and 路快then a part, is the external plastic an飛輛d fiber, the two materials中木 themselves have a certain smoothness a南相nd row of rubber, so in the歌高 adhesion of the ab習海ove has a The tw兵農o materials them很子selves have a certain degree 空樹of smoothness and adhesive row, so t影睡hey have a great sh妹這ortage of adhesion.
And in the produc習土tion process, the問從re are many cases, it must also be坐她 fixed for it, and this time polyimide 船你film he played 開說a huge role, be紅去cause it can achieve 冷文a very strong adap放了tability, we do not only 相下say, in today's all will d錯新epend on electronic products today不要, although this tap家理e does not play a major role in the e醫木ntire production p笑女rocess, but also has a great Contr國月ibution
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Puyang Baoli Elec個還tronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Tel: +86-17839301188
E-mail: 41641185@qq.com
Address:Henan Puy月文ang Industrial Park Ding Sheng書笑 Road East Xu Xin Road 器些North